Death Road To Canada Wiki

The Morning Moose is a Camping Event. The party encounters an injured Moose outside their camp. This event is always preceded by the 'Moose in the Morning' event.

Event Text[]

The group camps for the night, off a quiet stretch of the road.

Group sleeps, one meal is eaten

In the morning, there's a moose outside the camp! it looks injured, and is just glaring at the group.

Even injured, a moose is a really powerful creature. Probably best not to mess with it.

  • Leave moose alone
  • [Highest Medical Character] treats its injury
  • [Highest Shooting Character] shoots the moose
  • [Highest Strength Character] wrestles the moose


Leave moose alone[]

Event ends, nothing happens


[Character] treats its injury[]

[Character] tries to help the injured moose.

Medical Check

No Medical supplies[]

[Character] forgot that there were no medical supplies! The moose appreciates the gesture anyway, so it only mauls [him/her] half as hard for getting close.

[Character] -1 Health (Fatal)

Success[Automatic success if character has high Medical][]

[He/She] patches it up a little. The moose is too confused by this gesture of kindness to maul [him/her].

[Party] -1 Medical supplies
[Character] Medical and Loyalty revealed
[Character] +2 Morale
[Character] +1 Loyalty


[He/She] doesn't know much about caring for a moose and ends up angering it! The moose flings out a hard kick to [him/her].

[Character] Medical revealed
[Character] -1 Morale
[Character] -1 Health (Fatal)


[Character] shoots the moose[]

[Character] tries to shoot the moose. This isn't very sportsmanlike!

Shooting Check

No firearms[]

[The group] doesn't have any sort of weapon that shoots! The moose and [Character] have a good chuckle. Then the moose starts mauling everyone.

[Party] -2 Health (Fatal)

Success[Automatic success if character has high Shooting][]

[He/She] blasts the moose. The group gets what stringy meat they can from it before having to leave.

[Character] Shooting Revealed
+12 Food


[He/She] whiffs the shot! The moose is not happy about this, and stomps [him/her] up real bad.

[Character] Shooting Revealed
[Character] -2 Health (Fatal)
[Character] -1 Morale


[Character] wrestles the moose[]

[Character] wrestles the moose! Arms lock with hooves in a test of strength and willpower!

Strength Check

Success[Automatic success if character has high Strength][]

[He/She] wins this pointless contest! It's a triumph over nature. The moose seethes over the loss and saunters away.

[Character] +1 Strength(if Strength is not maxed out)
[Character] +1 Fitness(if Strength is maxed out)
[Character] Fitness Revealed (if Fitness increases)
[Character] Strength Revealed
[Character] +1 Morale


[He/She] doesn't win! In a blatant disregard for wrestling rules, the moose crushes [him/her] with its hooves.

[Character] Strength Revealed
[Character] -2 Health (Fatal)
[Character] -1 Morale